Things with Words

Hello! Here are links to my publications.

Snakes and God,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet (2022, print)
Green at the End,” Visitant (2022)
Pears Made Noodle Soup,” Marrow (2022)
In the Same Time, Though,” Five on the Fifth (2022)
Bread America,”The Swamp (2020, print)
Five Hundred Years Passed,” Monkeybicycle (2019)
A Thing You Take With You,” Gone Lawn (2019)
The Republic,” Unfit (2018) [PDF]
Planet Sea Fog,” Syntax and Salt (2018)
The Exterminator,” Menacing Hedge (2018)
Troll/Librarian,” Leopardskin and Limes (2017)

“Ivangorod/Narva” and “Soomaa National Park,” Cold Noon (2017) [PDF]

In Praise of Continuous New Dreams of New York City, music by Sarah Hersh, soprano and cello (2011)
The House, music by Sarah Hersh, SSAATTBB choir (2010)

Nonfiction and Blogs
The Relatively Shitty Cook, food humor blog (2011–)
Popkult, a blog about Russian and Eurasian pop culture; some favorite posts are “Verka Serduchka” and “Hedgehog in the Fog” (2016–17)
The New Moscow,” in Russia Abroad, a blog by the American Councils (2015)
Mikhail Shishkin’s The Calligraphy Lesson,” Music & Literature (2015)